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Black Friday Photo Shoot Giveaway

Please fill out the form below to enter the photo shoot giveawayEntries must be received by no later than Friday, November 24th to be eligible.  The winner will be announced on Saturday, November 25th via phone call and social media. The winning photo shoot can be scheduled for the month of November or December, but the winning photo shoot must be scheduled by December 3rd to receive the prize.  ***Whether you are the winner of the contest or you are just a contestant receiving discounts, you don't have to have the photo shoot done and finished by December 3rd, you just need to have it scheduled by December 3rd.  The sooner the better, as photo sessions are filling up fast!  The photo shoot giveaway will be for any of the following genres of 6 people or less than 6 people:  Moms as an individual, Families, High School Seniors, 8th grade promotions, Individuals or Couples.  ***If your name is not drawn as the winner, you will still receive discounts of $25 off a session fee and 10% off of print bundles, and all other print and digital products just for entering the giveaway contest!  Photo shoots for the discounts will need to be scheduled by December 3rd and discounted session fee paid for by December 3rd as well in order to receive the holiday discounts.  ***WHETHER YOU ARE THE WINNTER OF THE CONTEST OR A CONTESTANT RECEIVING DISCOUNTS, ALL PHOTO SHOOTS MUST BE SCHEDULED BY DECEMBER 3RD, BUT ACTUALLY FINISHED AND COMPLETED BY DECEMBER 31ST. 

Please fill out the form below and I will be in touch very soon!

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